A few months ago the whole world changed and just like that we were in a global pandemic that will be a part of ancient history in the next 20 years and kids will be learning about this in their history books and hearing stories about this pandemic from their loved ones which makes me think about all the lessons I learned about being a woman with a disability during the pandemic and what it is like to deal with Cerebral palsy while in this time of uncertainty and having more so the difficulties of having to adapt a whole new world literally with many lessons learned about myself and my journey as disability Advocate and as a human being.
- It’s okay to still have to figure out things – during the pandemic I’ve been learning that it’s okay to have to learn new ways to adapt to the world and it’s okay to be overwhelmed doesn’t make you any less stronger than what you are.
- Your story is Your story embrace it to the best of your ability- while in the pandemic I’ve gotten the opportunity to share my experiences and my story and have no shame in my story flaws and all and I’m embracing it.
- Cerebral palsy makes living during the pandemic more of an adventure – it’s no secret that having Cerebral palsy has made my life more an adventure but during the venture – it’s no secret that having Cerebral palsy has made my life more an adventure but during the pandemic it made it more of an adventure that I’m constantly on every day.
Ultimately being a part of the world when there’s a lot of uncertainty in the world can be stressful for us all but if we continue to stick together and do what we know best we’ll be okay
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