Dear Doug McMillon,
I’m a 23-year-old woman with spastic cerebral palsy I am writing to you to express my extreme disappointment in the latest changes in Walmart’s policy when it comes to your greeter’s position.
I strongly feel as if the new policy is preventing people with cerebral palsy like myself to be active members of society and have a normal day to day jobs and it takes away from their freedom of independence and confident all-in-one if you ask me just because of we are not able to lift 25 pounds and do all the heavy work doesn’t give your company the right to lay off your employees and leave them without any income of their own and leave them having to worry about how they’re going to pay their bills how are they going to provide a roof over their head how are they going to provide for themselves without the payment that they have been receiving for the period of time that they have been loyal employees to your company and your establishment.
This is totally unfair and totally nonsense people with cerebral palsy may not be able to lift but we still can do what we are told to do to the best of our ability so please reconsider changing your policy so that everyone could get the chance and opportunity to work
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