Doctors, please stop going by the textbooks and open up your eyes there is a bright side to cerebral palsy
Moreover, I am here to tell you all about it since the majority of doctors in the medical field do not have anything positive to say about cerebral palsy when a loved one is becoming aware of their loved one’s diagnosis of cerebral palsy.
Here I am laying down in my room writing on my computer screen thinking about this, and my mind is just spinning and twirling.
Thinking to myself: Why in the heck haven’t doctors told parents about the bright side of their child’s diagnoses?
I wish doctors would tell parents the positives instead of beginning a sentence with the words your child may never be able to…
However, I wonder if doctors know the truth of the journey you and your loved one are about to take?
The one thing I wish the doctors would tell parents that are finding out their child has CP is that each journey is unique. Each journey has its good and its bad days.
The good days when your CP warrior is smiling and go-lucky and doesn’t care about what anybody thinks of them or sees the fact that he or she is different is well worth it.
I wish doctors would tell parents that their child could be the next President of the United States
I wish the first thing doctors told the loved ones concerning their child’s cerebral palsy diagnosis is that your child will bring smiles to everyone around them and touch people’s hearts.
I wish that doctors would tell parents that it will all be okay. You just got to stomp on cerebral palsy one day at a time.
I wish doctors would tell parents that their child with CP is more than Just a statistic wish that doctors in the medical field would let parents know that your child can be the voice that changes the world for people with disabilities.
Most of all, I wish doctors understood that we are not just another example in the medical books. We are unique, and we are one-of-a-kind.
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